Group launches ArriveCan legal challenge in Federal Court

A constitutional rights group has launched a legal challenge to the federal requirement for travelers to Canada to use the ArriveCan app.

The suit was filed in Federal Court by the Justice Center for Constitutional Liberties on behalf of 11 Canadians, some of whom were reportedly fined up to $8,500.

The legal challenge, led by an organization that has opposed public health measures like lockdowns and vaccination requirements, seeks to overturn mandatory use of the app and declare unconstitutional quarantine rules for Canadians who refuse to use the app.

The lawsuit alleges that the federal health minister failed or refused to provide evidence that ArriveCan’s data collection is legal or secure.

She also claims that ArriveCan has proven to be unreliable and prone to errors that have violated the Charter rights of Canadians.

Federal attorneys have yet to file a statement of defense in the case.

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