Video length: 2 min.
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Water resources are the concern of the moment in view of the drought which rumbles each summer more and more violently. Should we preserve industrial water more to keep it in local solution?
The Coca-Cola factory, located in Grigny in Essonne, built in 1986, produces each year nearly 600 million liters of soda. These drinks contain up to 80% of water that the plant fetches underground. They use three boreholes that go more than 100 meters deep into the water table. This system is legal since any owner of land has the enjoyment of his basement. However, this enjoyment is disputed today by the Mayor of Grigny. He wants the industrialist to connect to the city’s water. It only comes from the Seine. “This groundwater Grignyit must be preserved. Only Coca-Cola uses it.” says the mayor.
Negotiations are underway
“It is not used by farmers, it is not used by the users that we are. If tomorrow, the droughts cause enormous problems on the Seine, then we will have another local solution which could be complementary, which could be of help for the territory of Grigny“explains the Mayor. Negotiations are ongoing. The group could accept party but it forbids posing a threat to water resources.