Groundhog Day | Spring will be late, according to some groundhogs

Spring will be late, according to the “predictions” of the first Canadian weather marmots to show up on Wednesday.

Posted at 8:03 a.m.
Updated at 9:32 a.m.

In Quebec, Fred the groundhog from Val-d’Espoir in Gaspésie, saw his shadow, which, according to legend, means that winter will last six more weeks.

Same scenario in Nova Scotia, where Shubenacadie Sam emerged from his burrow and, according to his human attendant, saw his shadow.

Legend has it that if a marmot sees its shadow on February 2, it will return to its burrow for another six weeks of winter weather. If she does not see her shadow, spring will be early.

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The Ontario groundhog Wiarton Willie, who made his prediction a little later Wednesday morning, however, has another opinion on the arrival of spring temperatures.

South Bruce Peninsula Mayor Janice Jackson said Willie predicted an early spring this year.

Last year, Willie was conspicuously absent in a video celebrating Groundhog Day. Local officials had predicted an early spring after throwing a fur hat into the air, a gesture they said was reminiscent of the tradition’s first run in Wiarton more than 60 years ago.

A few months later, the South Bruce Peninsula, which includes Wiarton, publicly admitted that the marmot had died of an infection.

In the United States, the famous groundhog Punxsutawney Phil, like Fred and Sam, predicted a late spring.

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