Grimaces and antics… more turbulent than ever, Prince Louis still puts on a show at Christmas mass

He is 4 years old and he is now old enough to attend the official ceremonies of the royal family. A true star of Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee, last summer, little Prince Louis made his big comeback to the front of the stage on December 25, for the Christmas weekend, in the company of his parents, Kate Middleton and Prince William, and siblings, Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

Grimaces, races, and greetings!

For the royal family’s first-ever Christmas without the late Queen Elizabeth II, he was the real star of the day. At St Mary Magdalene’s Church in Sandringham, Norfolk, where everyone had gathered around King Charles III and his wife, Camilla, he brought all the necessary disruption to the congregation.

>> See also: A few days before Christmas, Camilla Parkler Bowles’ awful gift to Meghan and Harry!

Dressed like a model little boy, he ran inside the church, gave everyone a big smile, waved at the audience and the photographers, and he also did all the funny faces and other antics that only a child his age is allowed to do, within the Windsor clan! So that he doesn’t do anything completely, his mom, Kate Middleton, was always around to watch him. And the Princess of Wales kept her composure throughout, as her son tugged on her arm to quicken her pace!

Just like Uncle Harry!

Beside, George and Charlotte, 9 and 7 years old, were wise as pictures. And it is obviously the youngest who received all the sympathy of the subjects. In the columns of the Daily Mail, for example, we read that a lady present on the spot said: “I adore all members of the royal family, especially the children. Prince Louis… I love Prince Louis. He’s still cheeky, but he’s Louis, and that’s how we like him“.

A child who is very reminiscent of Prince Harry at the same age. Always funnier than his big brother, William, he used to smile or stick his tongue out at photographers!


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