Grey’s Anatomy: Giacomo Gianniotti’s moving farewell to Ellen Pompeo

Even though our friendship is forever, it’s been an amazing journey with you and I’m going to miss sharing the screen with you so much. Digging into the scenes, fighting to portray reality, seeing how much you love your character and the show after all these years, it’s been an honor. Deluca and Meredith won’t see each other again, but Giacomo and Ellen will have a lot more time for pasta dishes and wine now. It is said !

A beautiful message accompanied by a photo of them on a beach at sunset and which ends with another message addressed to Ellen Pompeo: “Thank you for making this experience so memorable. Grazie, grazie, grazie (‘thank you, thank you, thank you’)!“. The actress, who has played Meredith Gray for more than 17 years, also posted a message for her partner on her Instagram account, along with the same photo.

We will miss you. Thank you for your professionalism every time you came on set. […] I can’t wait to see what you do in the future… and remember that wine and pasta will always be a way to bring us together. Tuo amico per semper (‘Your forever friend’)”. A beautiful friendship between them, who played a couple for several seasons.

Indeed, after the death of her husband Derek Shepherd, Meredith, mother of three children (Zola, Bailey and Ellis) tried to rebuild her life several times before meeting the intern of Italian origin, who had previously lived a small love affair with Maggie, his half-sister.

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