Greta Thunberg ends Friday school strike after graduating from high school

“Today I finish my high school, which means that I will no longer be able to go on school strike for the climate,” announced the young Swede.

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Greta Thunberg, November 19, 2021, in Stockholm (Sweden).  (JONATHAN NACKSTRAND / AFP)

Freshly graduated, the young Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, announced on Friday June 9 that she was ending her emblematic school strike, which began in 2018. “Today I finish my high school, which means that I will no longer be able to do the school strike for the climate. So this is my last school strike”announced the 20-year-old Swede on Twitter. “I will continue to demonstrate on Fridays, even though technically it will no longer be a ‘school strike’”she said, without giving further details.

“When I started to strike in 2018, I could never have imagined that it would lead to anything”, said the environmental activist. At the time anonymous, Greta Thunberg was only 15 years old when she sat for the first time in front of the Swedish Parliament, on a Friday in August 2018, with her sign “School strike for the climate”. In a few months, from Berlin to Sydney, from San Francisco to Johannesburg, young people followed suit and the Fridays for Future movement was born.

“In 2019, millions of young people” did not go to school “for the climate” and have “flooded the streets in more than 180 countries”, she recalls. In 2019, the young Swede was also named personality of the year by the influential magazine Time. But Greta Thunberg, who confided in November 2022 wanting “pass the megaphone to others”does not intend to give up his apron and ensures that the “fight has just begun”. “We who can express ourselves have a duty to do so”she insists.

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