GRETA CFA Aquitaine is organizing training in Sarlat to recruit future machining set-up operators

Find a high-tech job, well paid and recruiting? Greta CFA Aquitaine is organizing training from January 10 for future computer-assisted machining set-up operators (Pro ORUAO)

GRETA CFA Aquitaine is organizing training to recruit future computer-assisted machining set-up operators. If you are a job seeker, registration is done through your employment advisor (Pôle Emploi, Mission Locale, Cap Emploi, PLIE).

There are currently 38 job offers in Dordogne and this training is eligible for the Personal Training Account

The Greta CFA Aquitaine, prepares you for the Pro ORUAO Title

  • Objective: to integrate at the end of the training this profession of Productics, industry sector with a high recruitment rate … This training is organized and financed by the Regional Council of New Aquitaine and the European Social Fund to meet the needs of a job in tension.
  • date and place of training: ? in Sarlat, from January 10 to July 8, 2022 ?
  • The job: from a technical file, you will adjust and operate numerically controlled machine tools; you will use the IT tool for production monitoring and program management.
  • The advantages: a highly technical profession, well paid and which recruits!

?? Information and contacts:

Nathalie JABOT / Pierre-Jean PANELAY – mail: [email protected] – tel: 05 53 02 17 69/06 71 70 60 72

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