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In Grenoble in Isère, the debate on the burkini is back. Green mayor Eric Piolle wants to allow it in municipal swimming pools. A vote will take place soon at the City Council, but the measure divides. A petition has also been launched.
For the past few days, the debate has been stirring the city of Grenoble (Isere). With the summer approaching, the City Council must decide on a deliberation concerning the rules of procedure for municipal swimming pools. Women could be allowed to wear the burkini, a full bathing suit. In 2019, Muslim women had carried out actions in swimming pools in the city. Residents are divided on the subject.
Green mayor Eric Piolle is for measurement. According to him, this decision promotes equal access to public services. “The burkini is a non-subject, since there is no problem of secularism in a swimming pool”says the mayor. The municipal opposition does not share the mayor’s opinion. The president of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez announced that he would remove all subsidies to the city of Grenoble if the burkini was allowed.