Grenoble lose to Mountfield in the Champions League

For its second home match in the Champions League, Grenoble lost 4 goals to 3 on Saturday against the Czechs of Mountfield, finalists of the event in 2020.

Perhaps still stunned by the defeat against Berlin on Thursday evening (8-2), the Burners of Wolves started the match in the worst possible way by conceding the opener after only 9 seconds.

But Grenoble did not lower their flag, and even took the lead thanks to goals from Rouhiainen (7’09”) and Treille (12’37”).

The match rocks again in the second third

Dominated in the second third, Grenoble relied on its goalkeeper Stepanek, imperial until the equalizer in the 34th. The Czech also yielded twice in the last minute of the second period (39’19 and 39’55).

Led 4-2 at the start of the last third, the Grenoble residents came back with good intentions, and Damien Fleury took the opportunity to bring them back to 4-3 with a beautiful launch in the 45th. The 3800 spectators of Pôle Sud push, Grenoble takes out its goalkeeper but does not turn the tide and concedes 4-3 a second defeat in two days in this Champions League.

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