Grenoble enters the running in the Champions League

On the starting line, the Burners look like wolf cubs against the other teams in the pool. Berlin, which arrives at the South Pole this Thursday evening (8:15 p.m.) has just won the German championship, the Czechs of Mountfield were finalists for this CHL in 2020, against Frolunda. Swedes, quadruple winners of the competition, who will be the third opponents of Grenoble.

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For the public it is the assurance of high-level matches, and for the players it is the certainty of bitter clashes. So Grenoble did everything possible to withstand the shock, in particular with preparation matches against opponents of European caliber. The workforce has also been reinforced, the major players of the team crowned for the eighth time in April have remained, and several recruits (Brent Aubin, Bobby Raymond and Chad Nehring in particular) have arrived to give depth to the group. Never have the Burners of Wolves had such a workforce.

fetch the exploit– Jacques Reboh, president of the Burners of Wolves

Accustomed to holding the puck and being dominant in the Magnus League, the Grenoblois and their coach Jyrki Aho will certainly have to turn their backs this time, a qualification in the quarter-finals would be a feat but the president of the Burners of Wolves wants to dream “we want to be the agitators“smiles Jacques Reboh”maybe we will lose the six games, but in any case the guys have the same thoughts as mine, that is to say to go and get the exploit“. For that it will be necessary to finish in the first two and to come out with at least two victories (even more), the first two games at South Pole against Berlin Thursday then Mountfield Saturday will therefore be decisive.

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