Greenpeace France brings a sand yacht in front of the Parc des Princes

Greenpeace France brought a sand yacht in front of the Parc des Princes in Paris on Tuesday evening so that “clubs take responsibility“, as PSG face Juventus Turin for the first round of the Champions League.

Scathing reaction from Greenpeace

You shouldn’t have told us twice! We brought a sand yacht at PSG for their next trips because there is no reason for some to make less effort to be sober than others“, writes the organization on its Twitter account.

Greenpeace reacts scathingly to the controversy arising from the comments of the PSG coach on Monday. Christophe Galtier quipped about an upcoming move”in a sand yacht“, answering a question about the possibility of using the train rather than the plane.

The joke is over

In front of banners proposing a “climate red card” at PSG and claiming “Climate: no more time to laugh about it”, Sarah Fayollethe campaign manager of the NGO hopes “the joke is over“. She said to herself “shocked” by the words of Christophe Galtier.

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Highlighting the “devastation and violence of the climate crisis“noted this summer, Sarah Fayolle hopes”that _the clubs_who have a great influence on society, will take their responsibilities“.

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