Green Party of Canada | Amita Kuttner takes interim management

(Ottawa) The Greens have chosen Amita Kuttner to lead the party on an interim basis pending the election of a new leader next year.

Amita Kuttner, 30, with a doctorate in astrophysics, will be the youngest person to lead the Green Party of Canada since its inception, as well as the first person of Asian descent to hold that position. Originally from British Columbia, Amita Kuttner identifies as a non-binary person and has actively campaigned against flooding and climate change.

Former MP Paul Manly, who lost his seat in British Columbia in the last election, was the frontrunner to be chosen by the party’s federal council, which has about 15 members. This body therefore met on Wednesday evening to examine a series of applications received.

But now Mr. Manly withdrew in the evening, much to the surprise of party veterans. His move prompted speculation that he would instead focus on the upcoming election among party members.

Mr. Manly was notably supported by former chief Elizabeth May.

Amita Kuttner had competed with Annamie Paul in the party’s last leadership race, advocating measures to tackle flooding and climate change.

Her mother and father were seriously injured when a mudslide destroyed their home in North Vancouver in 2005.

Amita Kuttner co-founded the Moonlight Institute, a non-profit organization exploring ways to adapt to the climate crisis.

Amita Kuttner will serve for a maximum of six months, until the next leadership contest finds the person who will succeed Paul, who officially resigned in early October.

Annamie Paul said her stint as Green leader was the worst time of her life; she also handed in her membership card before leaving.

Amita Kuttner therefore inherits a party that was torn apart by internal quarrels and saw its popular support drop in the September elections. He had two deputies elected, but he lost a significant part of the popular vote.

In a written statement, Amita Kuttner describes her election during this time of transition and renewal as an honor.

Amita Kuttner says she accepts responsibility with full awareness of the scale of the challenges facing the party, and believes the Greens will emerge more united, stronger and more confident in their role in federal politics.

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