green lentils and Fin Gras from Mézenc

Imminent boarding between Vichy and Puy-en-Velay with Nathalie Helal. France Bleu makes you discover the local cuisines and the products of the region with Adrien Southon, deputy director of the tourist office of Vichy Destinations.

Vichy, queen of spa towns

In Vichy, water is sacred. It is attributed many virtues because of its composition which improves transit, strengthens the water or the joints.

In this “Gourmet stage”, Doctor Philippe Guerin, spa doctor specializing in cures in Vichy and president of the Vichyssoise Association of spa doctors, explains to you all the benefits of spring water on your body.

Bicarbonate waters from Vichy have digestive properties. Each source has its specificity!

Lentils from Sabarot du Puy

Established in Le Puy-en-Velay since 1819, the Sabarot family business offers many pulses, cereals, seeds, but also mushrooms and snails. The star product? Le Puy green lentils!

On France Bleu, Antoine Wassner tells you about the success of its products and in particular its new ranges adapted to the vegetarian trend.

Fin Gras du Mézenc, a heritage on the plate

Exceptional meat that meets very strict specifications, the AOP Fin Gras du Mézenc owes its originality to the hay used, which comes from mountain flora comprising more than 150 plants. Fennel from the Alps, cistus: these plants make the meat unique and delicious. We find in this meat in particular points of intramuscular fat.

Breeder and president of the Fin gras du Mézenc association, Bernard Bonnefoy is a breeder who was distinguished in the promotion of the Legion of Honor in 2022, after 26 years of commitment to the sector. He tells you about the uniqueness and recognition of his meats. He even welcomes visitors to his gîte in the heart of the farm.

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