Great return of Netanyahu, designated to form the Israeli government

Arrived at the head of the legislative elections in Israel with his far-right and ultra-Orthodox allies, Benjamin Netanyahu was officially appointed on Sunday to form a government, a victory for the ex-prime minister who had sworn to find his costume.

His government could be the most right-wing in Israel’s history, a possibility that raised fears locally and internationally from the outset.

Earlier this week, a majority of MPs, 64 out of 120 in the parliament elected on November 1, recommended that President Isaac Herzog give Mr Netanyahu the task of putting together a new ministerial team.

“I give you the mandate to form a government,” Mr. Herzog said Sunday alongside Mr. Netanyahu at a press conference in Jerusalem.

“I will be the prime minister of all, of those who voted for us and the others. It is my responsibility,” said Mr. Netanyahu, 73, promising “a stable and efficient government, a responsible and committed government”.

He has 28 days to form his government, with an additional 14 days if necessary.

Benjamin Netanyahu returns to business despite being charged with corruption and while his trial is underway.

Mr. Herzog said “not to forget” or “minimize” these accusations, which N. Netanyahu rejects, and recalled that the Supreme Court had previously authorized an indicted deputy to form a government.

In Israel, the Prime Minister does not have any judicial immunity but does not have to resign or step down during his trial.


It was the outgoing head of government, the centrist Yair Lapid, who ousted Mr. Netanyahu last year by rallying a motley coalition determined to put an end to the reign of the longest-serving prime minister in Israel’s history. in office from 1996 to 1999 and from 2009 to 2021.

Relegated to the rank of leader of the opposition, the one everyone nicknamed “Bibi” then promised to “overthrow the government at the first opportunity”.

Immediately after the announcement of the results of the legislative elections, the fifth in three and a half years, he began discussions with his allies on the distribution of ministerial portfolios.

While his right-wing Likud party won 32 Knesset seats, his ultra-Orthodox allies 18 and the “Religious Zionism” alliance 14, a record for the far right, his government could be the most right-wing in the world. history of Israel.

Sunday, to “those who prophesy disasters and scare the public”, Mr. Netanyahu assured that their “speeches” were “false”.

The far-right “Religious Zionism” alliance has claimed the Ministry of Defense for its leader, Betzalel Smotrich. Known for his anti-Palestinian diatribes, his number 2, Itamar Ben Gvir, targets Homeland Security.

According to the press, Mr. Netanyahu is reluctant to entrust the very sensitive portfolio of Defense to Mr. Smotrich, who would be ready to accept the Ministry of Finance.

But the leader of the Sephardi ultra-Orthodox Shass party, Arieh Dery, reinvigorated by his 11 seats, is also eyeing Finance, or the Interior, according to the press.

Mr. Dery was convicted of tax evasion in 2021 and had previously been jailed for corruption.

He and Mr. Smotrich met on Sunday to try to agree.

“Dark Day”

In addition to the desire to grant more powers to the security forces, the far right is pushing for a reform of the judicial system, in particular so that civil servants and elected officials can no longer be prosecuted for breach of trust, one of the charges brought against Mr. Netanyahu.

The objective of Mr. Netanyahu and his allies “is to save him from his trial by leaving the interests of the State of Israel behind”, assured Sunday the Yesh Atid party of Mr. Lapid, deploring “a dark day for Israeli democracy.

After the victory of Mr. Netanyahu and his allies, several Western countries including the United States called for “tolerance” and to respect “minority groups”.

On the Palestinian side, the election results were perceived with fatalism. Prime Minister Mohammed Shtayyeh said he had “no illusions that the elections would produce a partner for peace”.

Under Mr. Netanyahu’s previous governments, Israeli colonization in the Occupied Palestinian Territories has surged and normalization agreements with Arab countries considered “treason” by the Palestinians have been signed.

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