Gray Cup | The love story between the Burrow family and the Alouettes

(Hamilton) The frenzy surrounding the presence of the Montreal Alouettes in the Gray Cup now extends well beyond the metropolis. Even the Canadian borders cannot contain it. She even won over the family of one of the best players in the NFL.

Joe Burrow, the star quarterback of the Cincinnati Bengals, often arrives at the stadium in eccentric clothes, providing quite a contrast to his personality.

The day after the Alouettes qualified for the ultimate game last Sunday, Burrow showed up for their game against the Houston Texans wearing a retro Alouettes jersey. On his back, his last name and the number 16. The one that his father Jim wore with the Sparrows between 1977 and 1980.

“I had no idea before seeing him,” says the father on the line. Jim Burrow was having dinner with his wife Robin in Washington when he accepted a call from The PressTHURSDAY.

The couple was heading to Baltimore to watch son play that same evening against the Ravens. Just hours before the Bengals number 9 had to end his season due to a ligament injury in his right wrist.

Still, five days earlier, Burrow had caused a sensation. The video of him arriving at the stadium in the blue-white-red uniform had garnered more than 627,000 likes on Instagram as of Friday.

Jim and his wife were in the middle tailgate when friends rushed to show them the images.

Father Burrow always makes sure to send his son a text message before every game to wish him good luck and remind him to have fun. But strangely, that day, Joe never responded. “But I’m sure he read it.” It was quite funny. It made me proud that he put that forward on a game day. »

Even today, Burrow Sr. still doesn’t know how his son managed to get his sweater. It was therefore a total surprise at the time, says Jim. “My real sweater is in a frame in the basement. I’ve been out of the house for six days, so he may have picked it up there. I’ll have to look when I get back. I think someone sent it to him. I don’t know if he knew that the Alouettes were in the Gray Cup,” he said.

A good memory of Montreal

Jim Burrow enjoyed success in the CFL as a defensive back. After being drafted by the Green Bay Packers in 1976, he was released by the team and showed up for the Alouettes the following season. A story similar to that of Marc-Antoine Dequoy, strangely.

Burrow was hired by head coach Marv Levy in 1977. A few months later, the team won the Gray Cup at the hands of the Edmonton Eskimos in the famous “Ice Bowl”.

Right before the Gray Cup in 1977, I was back in the lineup after shoulder surgery, so I was able to be in the big game. And obviously, those are good memories.

Jim Burrow, former Montreal Alouettes defensive back

Burrow especially remembers the fans’ pride in their team. “The fans were great. We always had tens of thousands of people in the stands at the Olympic Stadium. It was almost unbelievable for us, the players, and for the visibility of the team. The city is also superb. »

At the time he lived in an apartment near the Old Forum. He returned to Montreal two or three times after his career as part of his recruiting duties, but it must have been at least 15 years since he set foot in the metropolis. “It’s on my bucket list to come back to Montreal, with my wife, to watch a game next year,” he swears.

He describes his four seasons in Montreal as “wonderful”.

In the Alouettes camp

Burrow didn’t hesitate long when asked for his prediction for the Gray Cup game. “Oh, Montreal will win. It’s time to bring the trophy home! », he exclaimed.

At least he will have the chance to watch the game since his son will not play on Sunday. “It’s perfect for us, because we don’t have a trip planned. So we’ll be able to relax in front of the TV at home in Athens, Ohio. »

Previously, Burrow coached at Ohio University. But he retired in 2018 to follow Joe to Louisiana State University. His wife, a former school principal, recently retired. “We attend all of Joe’s matches. It’s easier for her. We don’t have to go home in the evening, since she doesn’t work the next day. »

And it’s hard to say no to the lifestyle imposed by the NFL. Especially when his offspring is one of the faces of the best circuit in the world.

Even though the Burrows have become somewhat accustomed to the influence of the family’s child prodigy. After all, Joe won the national championship with the LSU Tigers in 2019, he won the Heisman Trophy as the best college player in the United States, he was selected first overall in the 2020 draft, he reached the final of the Super Bowl in 2022 and his jersey is one of the best-selling, sixth best, across the NFL.

Jim is therefore not surprised that his son’s exit had such an effect.

In recent years, it’s become more apparent that more people are paying attention to what he wears on game days. But the impact it had on Alouettes fans and the CFL in general is surprising.

Jim Burrow

The video of the Bengals player even resonated in the Alouettes locker room. Marc-Antoine Dequoy confirmed Friday after training that it was “cool” and that the players sent the post to each other.

For his part, David Côté doubts that Joe Burrow assiduously follows the Alouettes or the activities of the CFL, but “it gives great visibility to the team, especially since the video has circulated a lot on the internet…”.

Big, pushes Dequoy, cutting off his teammate, you are 26 years old. Nobody says “the internets” at 26 years old…”

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