gray areas remain around the organization of the competition



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Patrick Karam, member of the 2024 Olympic Games organizing committee, is the guest of 23h de franceinfo, where he notably discusses the question of the Games budget and that of relations between the State and local authorities on this file.

Asked about the 23h set of franceinfo, Patrick Karam, member of the organizing committee of the 2024 Olympics and vice-president of the Île-de-France region, is worried to know “if the state is ready“for the event.”Emmanuel Macron, today, held a meeting on the Olympics, and he found nothing better to do than to oust us“, he regrets. He mentions in particular uncertainties about security around the opening ceremony. It has never happened in the history of the Olympic Games that a Head of State monopolizes the Games to the detriment of the communities which should be on the front line.“, he was offended.

Another issue is that of the budget for these Olympic Games, which is larger than expected. “We obviously made sure to underestimate the expenses and overestimate the revenues. […] The State must learn to be transparent with the French, with the communities“, he assured, deploring in particular the vagueness around the sponsors of the competition, after the refusal by the town hall of Paris of the financial support of Total.

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