gray areas around the survey

The victim has been identified: Assia B., 46, whose disappearance was reported to the police by her husband on February 6.

What happened to Assia B.? This 46-year-old woman has been identified as the victim whose scattered limbs were found in the Buttes-Chaumont park in Paris on Monday February 13 and Tuesday February 14. Her disappearance was reported to the police on February 6 by her husband. The couple lived in Montreuil (Seine-Saint-Denis) with their three children. Five days after this macabre discovery, many gray areas persist around the investigation opened for assassination.

What did the victim do on the day of his disappearance?

This mother has been formally identified from the analysis of fingerprints taken from the body found in the park of the 19th arrondissement of Paris, learned France Télévisions from a source close to the investigation. An autopsy performed on Wednesday, the results of which have not yet been released, should shed light on the causes of his death and estimate the date of the events. Unemployed, she lived with her husband, unemployed, and their three children, in a building in Montreuil, specifies this same source, adding that they were unknown to the police services.

Interviewed by RTL, her husband affirms that his disappearance dates back to Tuesday January 31, the day of the national strike. According to him, his wife left the family home that day and used to go to street markets to buy clothes and resell them to individuals. “I stayed at home to take care of the children, because there was no school that day. They all go to school in Paris”, he says. According to him, his wife did not return in the evening: “My wife used to use a taxi app to come home late, which she didn’t do that night.”

Why was his disappearance reported six days later?

Still according to the husband quoted by RTL, the family starts looking for Assia B. and first uses social networks, in particular Facebook, to publish wanted notices. On these, since deleted, we can read that this woman, “1.60 m, medium build, medium-length brown hair, black eyes”would have left with her identity card, but without “his transport card, his bank card” neither “his passport”. On some calls for witnesses, his attire is “unknown”on others she was dressed in a “black coat with fur” and a “black beanie with rhinestones”. It’s not about the “blue jean” including a “floral decoration” at the level of the thigh, in which the victim was found, according to a police source to AFP.

On February 6, the husband finally walked through the doors of the police station. An investigation for disappearance, entrusted to the Brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP) of the Parisian judicial police, is open. She had given nothing until the identification of the body discovered in the park.

At this stage, the husband has not been placed in police custody, nor has anyone else around Assia B. learned franceinfo from a source familiar with the matter.

Why was his body hidden in a busy place?

This is one of the questions that the investigators of the Crime ‘will have to answer. The dismembered body was found in several places in this large park in the northeast of Paris, very popular with walkers. It was under a pile of green waste that a plastic bag containing the pelvis and thighs was discovered Monday around 2:30 p.m. by municipal parks and gardens officers. The other remains, including the head, were found on Tuesday during a thorough search of the park. The body is almost complete, a priori without genital mutilation, specifies a source close to the investigation at France Télévisions.

Generally, the cutting of a body serves to make the corpse difficult to identify. It is therefore surprising to have deposited the head in the same sector, underlines this same source. Especially since there is a lot of traffic in the park, including in the evening, some accesses closing later.

The police use videos from surveillance cameras around Buttes-Chaumont, as well as telephone data in the 19th arrondissement and in Montreuil. A field survey is also carried out door-to-door. The investigators also endeavor to delve into the entourage and the relations of the forties to try to identify the author of the facts.

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