Graves’ disease: eye conditions


What is it about ?

Graves ‘disease (Graves’ disease) is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. This means that the body makes antibodies against your own thyroid. Thereby, your thyroid is overactive and produces too much thyroid hormone. These antibodies can also cause eye problems.

What is its frequency?

Most people with Graves’ disease develop eye problems between the ages of 30 and 40. These problems are serious in 5% of them, and rather mild in 45%.

Risk factors

  • You are a women ?
  • You have members of your family with Graves’ disease ?

In this case, you are more likely to have eye problems.

Smoking increases the risk of serious eye problems.

How to recognize it?

Eye problems

You can’t stand bright light and you have symptoms such as:

  • Eyelids swollen with fluid build-up;
  • The Red eyes and painful ;
  • The watery eyes and the impression of having sand in the eyes;
  • Pain behind the eye;
  • Pain when you move your eyes;
  • A decreased vision ;
  • Sometimes double vision.

Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism)

At the same time, you experience the symptoms of overactive thyroid, such as :

  • Sweats;
  • A weightloss ;
  • From tremors ;
  • Diarrhea;
  • A rapid heartbeat;
  • Your heart is beating too fast, too slowly, or irregularly.

How is the diagnosis made?

The type of symptoms generally leads to the suspicion of Graves’ disease. The blood contains more thyroid hormones than normal and antibodies to the thyroid.

Sometimes eye symptoms are not so obvious. In this case, the doctor will sometimes mistakenly think of a inflammation due to bacteria or allergy.

What can you do ?

  • Protect your eyes from wind and sun.
  • Wear sunglasses.
  • You smoke ? Try toStop.

What can your doctor do?

Against the dry eyes, the general practitioner can prescribe artificial tears.

Referral to a specialist

The general practitioner will always refer you to a doctor specializing in hormonal diseases (endocrinologist). He will carry out the exams necessary and will start a processing.


Treatment normalizes thyroid function and relieves eye complaints.

  • High doses of cortisone to control the immune system.
  • Sometimes you receive rays (radiotherapy) to reduce symptoms.
  • If you have a nerve stuck in your eye, a surgery is usually needed.
  • Do you see double? The doctor can operate on your eye muscle.
  • If you have swollen eyelids, you may want to consider eyelid correction.

Want to know more?

Are you looking for more specialized help?


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Ophthalmopathy of Graves’ (2011), updated on 08.08.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 19.01.2020 – ebpracticenet


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