Grants for French

I read in our local newspaper that four young filmmakers were sharing $50,000 for the production of short films.

What great news for culture, which is often neglected financially!

However, at the same time, what a sad observation to read that, of the four titles of the short films, three are in English: Arctic Cat, I take the money and I go And Hot Squat ! It is obvious that young people are adopting the English language without really realizing it. It is their choice, and I respect it even if it is to the detriment of our language.

However, the selection committee should be encouraged to include in its criteria that films must be in French and have a French title. This is still the distribution of public funds from the French-speaking community.

This text in no way questions the quality of the directors’ work, but reminds us of the extent to which the invasion of English is present in our daily lives.

There are limits to shooting ourselves in the foot at a time when our language is in dire need of love.

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