Gozategi – Euskal Herria Korrika

The Basque language is the historical, cultural, popular and emotional link between the Basques of the 7 provinces, Araba, Biscay, Navarre, Gipuzkoa, Labourd, Basse Navarre and Soule.
The AEK association was born in 1980 by bringing together many “gau eskola”, evening schools, which already existed in a lot of towns and villages and which offered Basque lessons to adults.
Since its official creation, AEK has developed the teaching of the Basque language for adults, and has also “invented” a unique cultural, sporting and solidarity event, the KORRIKA : it’s a relay race over more than 2000 kilometers, with a route that criss-crosses the 7 provinces, people run to support Euskara, the Basque language.

“Euskal Herria Korrika”: official slogan of Korrika 1997

For the 10th edition of the Korrika, in 1997, AEK invited the group Gozategi to create a song, which accompanies the Korrika throughout its journey.
Gozategi is a very popular Gipuzkoan group, their music is based on the trikitixa and pandero (diatonic accordion and cymbal tambourine), they are very festive, dancing melodies, and this song has encouraged the runners of the Korrika on hundreds and hundreds of kilometers.

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