Government spokesperson calls for ‘unity of the nation’ after summer ‘post climate change and awareness’

The government spokesman again called for “the unity of the nation”. At the end of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday August 24, which marks the return of the government, Olivier Véran returned to the various files which awaited the political class in the weeks and months to come, at the end of a summer “marked by extreme climatic events”.

He also recalled the holding, from 8 September, of the National Council for Refoundation (CNR), which must involve many actors (political parties, local elected officials, representatives of intermediary bodies) to “share diagnoses nationwide on major issues”.

On the issue of the climate emergency

Olivier Véran spoke of a summer of “after climate change and awareness”. “We have seen difficulties in accessing drinking water in some municipalities (…). We must look at these problems in the face and with lucidity”added the government spokesman. About fires, “We will also launch a major project to replant our forests that have burned down and we are strengthening the means of civil security to deal with fires”, he asserted.

Asked about the issue of regulation or even a ban on private jet flights, the spokesperson assured that the subject had not been raised in the Council of Ministers. He gave no further details on the subject, simply replying that “effort is for everyone, each of us must be careful in [sa] daily consumption. The former Minister of Health also clarified that regarding ecological planning “the government [présenterait] packages of measures from the fall”also recalling the law on the future energy transition.

On the energy crisis

Olivier Véran also returned to the tariff shield applied to energy prices to deal with the increase in hydrocarbon prices due to the war in Ukraine. It will continue “until the end of the year”and from the beginning of next year. “There may be increases put on the table and discussed”said the spokesperson.

“First, faced with the difficulties of supplying energy, electricity and fuel, the first thing we do is to multiply the sources of supply and in particular our own capacity to produce electricity”, said Olivier Véran. The government spokesman also announced the presentation in September of a bill to speed up energy production and a plan to secure supplies for next winter.

On “sacrifices” in the face of the “end of abundance”

“We are also protecting the purchasing power of the French”he continued, in reference to the gas price freeze and the 4% cap on the increase in the price of electricity. “We act for the emergency but also for the future”estimated Olivier Véran. “Then, we also have a speech of truth vis-à-vis the French, to say that we must pay attention to the resources which are rare and which have a climate impact”he added, recalling that this point “is independent of the Ukrainian conflict”. According to him, “there is no desire to force the French to reduce their consumption, there is a desire to support virtuous behavior”.

There is therefore no “no restriction imposed by the state”assured Olivier Véran, while the President, Emmanuel Macron, had indicated in the preamble to the Council of Ministers that “we are living the end of abundance”, “the end of a form of recklessness”in the face of climate change and the geopolitical situation.

On Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Algeria

The spokesperson also returned to Emmanuel Macron’s trip to Algeria, from August 25 to 27, to revive relations with the country, after several years of crisis. “President will address young entrepreneurs and the French community in Algeria”announced Olivier Véran.

The former Minister of Health also recalled that the challenge was also to “to continue the work of memory” engaged by France and Algeria. Migration issues between the two countries will also be discussed, as well as “the energy crisis”who “will be part of the records” on the table, said Olivier Véran. After a long period of crisis, this move should contribute, among other things, “to deepen the bilateral relationship”announced the Elysée on Saturday.

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