government spokesman announces “plan to strengthen” testing capacities

“Almost 10 million people” are tested per week but the lines are getting longer, admitted Gabriel Attal.

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Always more tests. Government spokesman Gabriel Attal announced Sunday January 9 on BFMTV “a plan to strengthen our testing policy” in the face of the Covid-19 epidemic.

In particular, the government wants to create “several hundred” screening points near vaccination centers. It is the professionals working in these centers who will take the tests, at times of the day when they will have fewer injections to perform, explained Gabriel Attal.

Pharmacies will be able to temporarily recruit health professionals assigned to screening, in support of their usual employees, “so that there are more screenings done in pharmacies”, explained the spokesperson of the government.

Finally, the range of professions authorized to carry out tests has been widened, to include graduates in molecular biology and master’s students in this discipline, by a decree published on Sunday in the Official Journal.

Finally, to encourage the 6,000 pharmacies that have not ordered antigenic tests or self-tests to take the plunge, Gabriel Attal asserts that the government will guarantee “that we will compensate the stocks that they would have ordered and that they would not sell”, if ever the demand was not there.

“Almost 10 million people” are tested every week, recalled the government spokesperson. “Pharmacists make about two-thirds of it”, Gilles Bonnefond explained Saturday on franceinfo, spokesperson for the Union of Community Pharmacists Unions (USPO). Concerned about the pressure weighing on his colleagues, he called for more “ephemeral center” screening and appealing to students.

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