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Faced with the headache of parents and the many class closures, the government is trying to simplify the protocols, but over and over, it becomes difficult to follow. Since Monday, January 3, he had to test his child three times in five days from the first positive case, a rule that has just been relaxed slightly.
The health protocol has been lightened in schools since Friday, January 7. In front of a Bordeaux establishment, some parents have a hard time understanding. “There is a protocol which is announced on Sunday, which seems justified, and three days later it is reset”, says a parent. “Doing three tests in six days is still a lot”, recalls a mother.
Concretely since Monday January 3, as soon as a positive case is detected, all the students in the class must undergo a PCR test, then two free self-tests on D + 2 and D + 4. But with the multiplication of contact cases, some children were tested almost every day. Now, the series of three tests remains valid for 7 days, even if a new positive case is detected during this period. The FCPE, the main federation of parents of students, is still contesting this protocol. In total in France, 9,202 classes are currently closed.
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