Government employment site hacked by hackers from the Gray Wolves, a Turkish ultranationalist movement

The website of the Council for Employment, Income and Social Cohesion (Cerc) was inaccessible on Sunday afternoon.



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A computer photographed on March 7, 2018, in France (illustrative photo).  (MATHIEU THOMASSET / HANS LUCAS / AFP)

The government website of the Council for Employment, Income and Social Cohesion (Cerc) was hacked by Turkic Hackers Rulez, hackers claiming to be from Turkey, franceinfo noted on Sunday April 7. The site is inaccessible and displays a message that links the hackers to the ideology of the Gray Wolves, a Turkish ultranationalist movement which was dissolved by the government in November 2020.

“It is regrettable that the government sees us as terrorists in France”write the pirates on the site’s home page. “Please know that we are not engaged in terrorist activities. However, if you wish to wage a campaign against the Gray Wolves, we will not stop our attacks on your government sites.” A swastika and the Gray Wolves logo appear in particular on this page.

The hacked website of the Council for Employment, Income and Social Cohesion (CERC), via a screenshot taken on April 7, 2024. (FRANCEINFO SCREENSHOT)

Half-March, “800 administrative sites” were targeted during the cyber attack “on an unprecedented scale” claimed by pro-Russian hackers, according to the Ministry of Civil Service.

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