Thursday September 8, we learn at the beginning of the afternoon that the Queen’s doctors are “concerned”. To from there, in France, the executive will lose control of its communication. Because the announcement, at 7:30 p.m. the same day, of the Queen’s death will profoundly shake up the government’s agenda.
QWhen Buckingham Palace announces the death of the queen, government spokesman Olivier Veran should have been on the set of CàVous, on France 5, to talk about his book on the Covid. Pparticipation cancelled, ciao the promo!
Pmore complex for the Minister of National Education: last Thursday, we learn that he wants to relaunch the fight against gender stereotypes at school. The controversy is immediate, Pap Ndiaye is accused of wanting to relaunch the debate on the so-called “gender theory”. LThe minister wants to respond in a morning the next day. Impossible : the special editions on Elizabeth II leave him no place. NOTHaving been able to clarify his thoughts, the minister will be the target of the extreme right all weekend. He will only be able to explain it the following Monday on franceinfo.
It was thepolitical event supposed to mark the start of the school year. But nothing, or almost, in the press the day after the launch of the National Council for Refoundation. Un hard blow? Not sure, a minister ironically: “The Queen of England helped us, the CNR went under the radar; this will allow us to install it quietly.”
More seriously, on September 9 Emmanuel Macron was also on the move to talk about food sovereignty: no media fallout. HASAt the Ministry of Agriculture, we are working to reschedule certain announcements.
En fact, the death of the queen has prevented any political communication this week. “Dn a period like that, no need to insist. The media are saturated, confides an adviser. Uanalysis that does not prevent communication errors: Wednesday, September 14 at 3:30 p.m., Elisabeth Borne held a major press conference to announce the 15% increase in energy prices. The figure was highly anticipated, but this announcement was hardly broadcast on television, because at the same time the coffin of Elizabeth II joined Westminster. Lost of the TV news channels were on special edition. Lhe services of Matignon had not anticipated that the Prime Minister would come after the queen. MUnfortunately, Elizabeth II has more audience than Elisabeth Borne.