This text is part of the special book Plaisirs
Ideas and novelties to celebrate Earth Day.
Anti-waste salsa
After having evolved in catering during their studies, the couple formed by Lysanne Bourret and Pierre-Olivier Gendron had had enough of witnessing waste in the food industry. So in 2021 he launched Pretty Ugly, a range of three salsas made from surplus or imperfect vegetables and fruits destined for the trash. In the space of a year, the two entrepreneurs went from producing 300 to 30,000 pots a year, saving 60,000 pounds of vegetables at the same time, in addition to winning several prizes and carrying three “Dragons in their adventure. Growing, Pretty Ugly is now aiming to produce 70,000 jars of salsa, and is preparing to launch spent grain corn chips to accompany them. A great success of circular economy.
completely banana
Bananas are not yet produced on a large scale in Quebec, but they represent 9% of all fruits imported here and are part of our daily lives. Affordable, full of nutrients and vitamin C, natural sweetener, bananas are also used in many recipes, if they are not left to ripen too much. Nutrition doctor Hubert Cormier, author of 10 successful books as delicious as they are colorful, has therefore decided to counter the waste of this fruit (peel included) by writing completely banana. In addition to providing a host of nutritional data accessible to all, this book contains 60 recipes, including 40 banana breads. There are also recipes for muffins, energy bars or balls, donuts, cookies, and more. A must!
Photo: Saint-Jean Editor
completely bananasHubert Cormier, Saint-Jean Publisher, Laval, 2023, 208 pages.
Northern aperitif
Rising temperatures and the opening of terraces are always accompanied by the launch of drinks evoking summer. A nice surprise awaits us this week in the SAQ with the arrival of a new alcohol signed Menaud, a Charlevois distillery to which we already owe craft beers, a gin, a vodka and delicious liqueurs drawing on our natural heritage. Simply named Aperitif, this creation is inspired by appetizer popular Italians during the summer season — think for example of spritzes and negronis. However, it consists only of Nordic fruits: sea buckthorn berries, haskap and barberry berries. This blend gives a touch of originality to a product normally known for its frank taste of oranges, while avoiding the import of citrus fruits from abroad. Enjoy on ice or in a cocktail now.

Photo: Menaud
Menaud’s Appetizer
This special content was produced by the Special Publications team of the Duty, relating to marketing. The drafting of Duty did not take part.
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