goodbye to the receipt in 2023

No more automatic and systematic printing of the receipt after a purchase, as part of the fight against waste, the removal will therefore be effective from April 1, 2023. In addition, these innocuous receipts actually contain substances dangerous such as bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor present in most of our receipts.

According to the public service website, the following are concerned:

  • bank card tickets produced in sales areas and in establishments open to the public
  • tickets issued by machines
  • vouchers and promotional or reduction tickets

Don’t worry, for those who expressly need the paper receipt, it will be possible to obtain it, but only if you ask for it! Posters will be posted near the cash desks to remind consumers of this.

Did you know ? About 30 billion printed receipts are printed every year!


Some tickets will continue to be printed systematically:

  • receipts relating to the purchase of so-called “durable” goods, where the existence and duration of the legal guarantee of conformity are mentioned. For example, household appliances, computer equipment or telephone devices… the complete list of these goods can be found in article D211-6 of the consumer code
  • bank card receipts relating to operations canceled or subject to a credit will also always be systematically printed
  • tickets issued by machines whose storage and presentation are necessary to benefit from a product or service
  • receipts or other billing documents, printed by non-automatic weighing instruments

This new reform comes at a time of inflation

The postponement to April 2023 by the office of the Minister Delegate in charge of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), trade, crafts and tourism would be due to the sharp rise in prices. The firm would have received feedback from consumer associations indicating that the receipt is a safe bet for many French people to check the prices of products purchased in the face of inflation. The entourage of Olivia Grégoire still ensures that the reform will be well implemented but that this will allow a time of adaptation necessary for all the French.

The “future” ways to get your receipt

It is already possible to obtain your receipt via applications, by email, or even by SMS.

It will also be possible to receive his e-ticket by message via the buyer’s banking application (the use of the bank card sends the e-ticket automatically to the application), by QR code (allows you to recover his e-ticket -ticket from a web page).

The public service website recalls: “In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the collection of data from the buyer is subject to his explicit consent.” To note : “In the absence of consumer consent and non-printing of the receipt, the only trace of the purchase will be the display at the cash desk of the amount of the transaction.”

Jeanette Atme Daou

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