“Goodbye”, after the announcement of separation from his companion, the singer faced with a tragedy…

He sang for a friend he will never forget and whom he is struggling to mourn… On September 12, 2019, it was with great sadness that Pascal Obispo learned of the disappearance of Philippe Pascal, founder of the group. Marquis de Sadewith whom he was friends and collaborated on the track I go home. This Friday, June 24, the one who has just separated from his companion Julie, accompanied by Alan Stivell and Dominique A, sang for the artist at the Salle de la Cité in Rennes and also wanted to pay tribute to him on Instagram.

“I built myself thanks to Marquis de Sade and Philippe Pascal who fell on us when we were teenagers in Rennes”dropped Pascal Obispo in an interview with West Franceshortly after the disappearance of his friend, before adding: I am devasted, I was so happy to see Marquis de Sade back on stage. Philippe Pascal was the Rimbaud of rock. He was extremely elegant and bewitching. He made us want to be there!”.

Goodbye to the “king”

Two years after the death of Philippe Pascal, the interpreter of fell for her already had a moved thought for him and wrote him a few words on social networks to let him know that he had never forgotten him and that he would never forget him. “Philippe Pascal – September 12”, he wrote soberly but enough to arouse the excitement of his subscribers. The latter who did not fail to comment on the publication and support Pascal Obispo to share his pain.

This Saturday, June 25, a few hours after singing for his friend, the artist once again had a moving thought for the group’s founder. Marquis de Sade on Instagram. He published a black and white photo, in which the two friends pose, accompanied by a “bye” in legend, as well as a crown on the missing singer.

See also: Pascal Obispo: the devastating neckline of his wife…


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