“Good wind!”, Jenifer evokes her end of life and what she wishes to see inscribed on her grave…

Our colleagues from Konbini received in their studios, Jenifer. The singer currently on promo after the release of her latest album, No. 9engaged in an interview very different from what she has been able to know so far.

Indeed, she answered the questions in… offbeat. A major challenge for the first winner of Star Academy.

“I have a very limited rate of concentration”, she let go before throwing herself into the deep end! We learn that the mother of the family perfectly masters lasagna, that her best friend is called Boris, or that if she ever meets the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, she could bite him. And to the question, “What would have been written on your grave” the interpreter of My Revolution dropped : “Good luck”.

A fun sequence that you can find right here:

This awful memory

In the columns of Pure charts, Sunday January 1, Jenifer plunged back into a terrible memory that dates back almost 20 years. The night after her victory, she said she had “slept 1h30” in a suite much too big for her, and that we had “put a lot, a lot of promotion”. “Only the next day, I had been given 28 interviews on the channel and a photo shoot. I have horrible memories of this photo shoot. I didn’t recognize myself in the images, it was horrible. I don’t I wouldn’t mention the photographer’s name, but my god… And that’s when I said to myself ‘I’m going to have to say ‘no’ also at this level, because it’s not going to go like that. going to be unhappy at some point, it’s not possible”.

See also: “There were drugs…”: Jenifer in turmoil, an ex-comrade from “Star Academy” balances BIG files!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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