Nicolas Pinson graduated from the theater option at Cégep Lionel-Groulx in 2001. And yet, his acting career only started in 2012, after a decade of drugs and self-destruction. “I have already played stoned. I got kicked out of some places. I was not of the world. »
This troubled period, during which Nicolas Pinson followed a few detoxification treatments and reached several lowlands, inspired Good morning Chuck (or the art of harm reduction)a new series expected Wednesday on Crave.
Directed by Jean-François Rivard (That’s how I love you, The invincibles) and Mathieu Cyr (Between the sea and the bark), this 10-episode comedy-drama depicts the descent into hell of a star host who suffers from addiction. We’re talking about a major consumer problem, the kind that pushes those around you, attracts the police and drags you into one of the trips three of the filthiest in history in the back of the toilets of a seedy pub at 3 a.m. on a Tuesday.
Trailer of good morning chuck
En entrevue, Nicolas Pinson affirme être « une personne transparente ». L’expression semble bien choisie. L’ouverture avec laquelle il raconte son cheminement est désarmante.
Je suis un enfant triste qui s’est médicamenté parce qu’il n’était pas capable de vivre la réalité, parce que trop sensible, trop perméable, trop fébrile, trop de stock à gérer… J’avais besoin de déconnecter.
Nicolas Pinson
L’idée derrière Bon matin Chuck (ou l’art de réduire les méfaits) émane de Nicolas Pinson, Mathieu Cyr, Émilie Lemay-Perreault et Jean-François Rivard. Ce dernier a ensuite assuré l’écriture avec Sarianne Cormier et Patrick Dupuis.
Nicolas Pinson qualifie l’expérience de « thérapeutique ». On peut certainement s’imaginer pourquoi.
On peut aussi concevoir qu’après plusieurs années de dépendance, tourner des scènes de consommation et d’anéantissement total fasse ressurgir des traumas passés qu’on essaie d’oublier. En d’autres termes, un toxicomane qui replonge volontairement au cœur d’un bourbier dans lequel il s’est maintes et maintes fois enlisé nous apparaît – même fictivement – un tantinet dangereux…
« C’était un trigger [déclencheur] “, concedes the main interested party.
By way of example, he recounts the filming of a sequence during which he had to slip lines of cocaine, or rather powdered lactose, the substance that actors usually snort on screen.

Nicolas Pinson
“When I made my first track, physical memory came back to me. I did : “Oh my God !“It took me back. It woke up something, a feeling… The eyes, the tics, the physique… It was crazy stiff! But it was lactose. »
“All my life, these are things that will remain. These are cerebral paths that are all traced, “says the actor.
A lot of emotions
Nicolas Pinson was visibly emotional last week at the press screening of the first episodes of Good morning Chuck (or the art of harm reduction). At the microphone after the screening, the actor struggled to repress his tears. He had experienced the same thing in April at the Canneseries festival, where the offering of St Laurent TV productions (The House of Fools, second-hand loves) was presented in official competition.
Because in addition to being a very personal project, good morning chuck could mark a turning point in the professional itinerary of the actor. In recent years, his name has appeared in the credits of a few TV series, but never in main roles: “taxi driver” in My mother“night receptionist” in Hoteland “Monsieur Bélanger” in Indefensible.
“This is my first big leader, he explains. I’m in almost every scene. »
Indeed, Nicolas Pinson took part in 59 of the 60 days of filming of good morning chuck, last fall. Before starting this blitz, the actor retained the services of a coach of play, Eve Landry, and trained by running five kilometers daily in Eastman, in her corner of the country in Estrie. All while singing loudly with his headphones.
When they passed, the cyclists saw me, and they were like: “Uhhhh…” I looked like a real madman!
Nicolas Pinson
Take charge
Regardless of Nicolas Pinson’s reputation with cycling enthusiasts in the Eastern Townships, his preparatory work has paid off. During a round table bringing together half a dozen journalists, Jean-François Rivard vigorously praised his talent.
“I discovered an actor with whom I want to work all the time, declared the author and director. I discovered a comedian chalice christie, which is game to go in all sorts of areas. It’s not easy, what he had to play. When we look at the scenes, during the editing, we are like: “Crisse, it’s good!” I am fan. »

Director Jean-Francois Rivard
These comments are worth their weight in gold for Nicolas Pinson. “I was someone who wanted so much to be loved by everyone,” he breathes.
Although he doesn’t have many projects in the works, other than a potential second season of good morning chuckNicolas Pinson seems to have found his calling in the industry.
“I was always waiting for a role, waiting for the phone call. As soon as I stopped using, I took my business in hand. I started to write Nico simmers you [une websérie qui s’est étirée sur trois saisons, de 2015 à 2017], and everyone got on board, even my friends, who stayed with me despite all the harm I did. »
The first two episodes of Good morning Chuck (or the art of harm reduction) land on Crave on Wednesday. Two other episodes will be posted there the following Wednesday.