“Good afternoon, girls”: a teacher forced to apologize for this sentence

The philosophy and religious education teacher at a private girls’ school was forced to apologize after greeting her group as ‘the girls’, despite one of the students not identifying as such .

Peers at a private school allegedly complained to management after the teacher started her lesson by saying “good afternoon, girls” to the class, reported The Mail on SundaySunday, according to The Telegraph.

At least that’s what the teacher reportedly said last week as part of a study on the care of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents, led by pediatrician Dr.D Hillary Cass.

According to him, the incident occurred in 2021, in a class of 11 to 12-year-old students.

From the next lesson, each member of a group would have written their name and pronouns on the board to force the teacher to use them. Among the group, one of the students identified himself asthey” And “them” – the equivalent of hey in French, according to the British media.

Faced with the teacher’s refusal to use pronouns, the students would then have held a demonstration at lunchtime to voice their dissatisfaction.

For her part, the teacher would have finally retorted that she should first speak with the parents of a student if she preferred to use pronouns different from her biological sex.

“Before the end of the week, I was in a kind of discipline process and the head of the year told me that I had to apologize to the girls,” she testified, requesting anonymity to protect His students.

The teacher clarified that her one-year contract would also not have been renewed at the end of the school year.

The Independent Girls’ Day School Trust, responsible for her contract, reportedly did not respond to inquiries from the two English media outlets.

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