Gone to Ukraine to save pets, they are back in the Landes

They had left for in particular rescuing animals from a shelter. The idea came from Valérie Hériaut from the Gabarret refuge 4 legged heart, and Céline Tougne, breeder, left with two friends. The initial mission was to rescue a shelter in Kharkiv, which was asking for help on social media. “It was inaccessible and too dangerous, finally we went to Lviv”says Valérie Hériaut.

“We helped only individuals, and people who feed stray animals in Lviv in a large park, cats and dogs. We also gave a lot of animal food to a gentleman who will feed abandoned animals in the gardens of those who fled leaving their dog”she explains. “We also helped a guinea pig association.”

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A successful humanitarian mission

Obviously the mission was also meant to be humanitarian. “We helped the hospital. A lot of emotion to see all these people crying in our arms. They didn’t think we would really come. We brought them medical donations that we had been asked to bring : catheters, bandages, diapers for the elderly and babies etc.” The four Landais also brought donations to an orphanage. Now Valérie thinks of only one thing: to be able to go back there next month.

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