Goncourt Prize | Angot, Chalandon, Dalembert and Sarr finalists

(Paris) Christine Angot, Sorj Chalandon, Louis-Philippe Dalembert and Mohamed Mbougar Sarr are the four finalists for the 2021 Goncourt Prize, the jury announced on Tuesday.

The prize must be awarded on November 3 at the Drouant restaurant in Paris.

In the running, Christine Angot won the Medici Prize on Tuesday with The trip to the east (Flammarion), story of the incest she suffered from her father.

Sorj Chalandon also writes about his father, whose collaborationist past he brings to light, in Bastard child (Grasset).

Haitian writer Louis-Philippe Dalembert signs with Milwaukee Blues (Sabine Wespieser) a fiction inspired by the murder of African-American George Floyd by a white policeman in May 2020.

As for the Senegalese Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, he describes a character of a cursed writer in The most secret memory of men (Philippe Rey), a novel also in the race for the Renaudot prize, which is awarded the same day as the Goncourt.

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