Golfers face Saudi-funded golf league

Graeme McDowell admits it is “incredibly polarizing” to join a new Saudi-funded dissident golf league. He even provided a reason.

“Take the Khashoggi case,” he said. We all agree that this is reprehensible. No one will dispute this fact. »

The Northern Irish golfer was referring to the 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. US intelligence has revealed they believe the killing of the US-based Saudi journalist was on the orders of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who heads the Public Investment Fund. The prince denies any wrongdoing in the matter.

Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund provides hundreds of millions of dollars in registration fees and scholarships that help divert players from established circuits and jeopardize their participation in major tournaments and the Ryder Cup.

The new league is Saudi Arabia’s latest move to restore the country’s image as a generous sponsor of sporting events instead of being associated with human rights abuses, which advocacy groups rights call “sportswashing”.

“We are not politicians”

McDowell tried to avoid talking about the particularities of the country with which he associates.

“I really feel like golf is a force for good in the world. I just try to be a great role model for the kids,” he said. We are not politicians. I know you hate that expression, but unfortunately we really don’t. We are professional golfers. »

“If Saudi Arabia wanted to use golf as a way to get where they want to be and they have the resources to accelerate that experience, I think we’re proud to help them on that journey using the sport. of golf and the abilities we have to help grow the sport and take them where they want to be. »

Does this adventure, McDowell was asked, help oppressed women in Saudi Arabia, LGBTQ+ people whose right to live freely is criminalized, migrant workers whose rights are violated, victims of bombings Saudis in Yemen, or the 81 men executed by the kingdom in March?

“I wish I had the ability to have that conversation with you,” McDowell said. As golfers, if we tried to fix the geopolitical situations in every country in the world where we play golf, we wouldn’t play much golf. This is a very difficult question to answer. »

“We’re just here to focus on golf and what it’s doing globally to provide role models. »

McDowell’s words resonated with Dustin Johnson: “I would say pretty much the same thing. I agree with what Graeme said. »

long thought

Johnson, a two-time major tournament winner, has also confirmed that he is turning his back on the PGA Tour to join this new dissident league.

The inaugural tournament of this circuit, which offers a prize pool of US$25 million, takes place from Thursday at the Centurion club in St. Albans, north London.

Johnson revealed that it “took long and hard thought” before leaving the PGA Tour, seemingly ending his hopes of competing in the Ryder Cup with the United States.

“In the end, I decided to come and play, confided Johnson present at the Centurion club. I’m excited about this idea. Obviously the Ryder Cup is amazing and it meant a lot to me. … I hope I will have the opportunity to play there again, but I don’t set the rules. »

Johnson, whose last victory dates back to the Saudi International in 2021, is No. 15 in the world, the highest-ranked golfer on the board. He has held the top of the world rankings longer than any other player since Tiger Woods.

“I chose what is best for me and my family,” he continued, explaining his decision to join the Saudi company led by Greg Norman.

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