Golden Globes | A new prize for blockbuster films

Commercial successes will have one more chance to reap an award at the next Golden Globes ceremony on January 7, thanks to the addition of a new category.

Named, in English, “Cinematic and Box-Office Achievement”, this new prize will be awarded to a film which has recorded revenues of more than 150 million dollars, including 100 million at the North American box office. It must also stand out for its cinematographic qualities.

Films broadcast on streaming platforms may also be in the running, provided they have reached a very large audience.

Eight feature films will be able to compete in this category.

“It’s more than just rewarding the highest-grossing and most-viewed film of the year. These films are not typically recognized by the industry, but they should be,” Golden Globes Executive Vice President Tim Gray said in a statement.

Another new feature at the next gala: a prize will reward the best comic performance of stand-up on the television.

All the Golden Globes nominees will be revealed on December 11.

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