“Going into debt means getting poorer,” says Marine Le Pen in the show “L’Evénement” on France 2

The campaign is accelerating, less than a month before the European elections on June 9. France 2 is offering, Thursday May 16 at 8:40 p.m., a program focused on the economic issues of this election. Purchasing power, agriculture, industry… So many themes which will be debated by political figures and experts on set. An interview with Marine Le Pen, president of the National Rally group in the Assembly, opened the program, hosted by Caroline Roux. Carlos Tavares, the CEO of the Stellantis group, is also due to be interviewed. Follow the show in our live stream.

The RN in the lead in the polls. The National Rally is in a strong position in the polls. His list, led by the president of the party, Jordan Bardella, is well ahead in the various opinion polls, ahead of the presidential camp by around fifteen points. Again on Wednesday, an Ipsos poll credited Jordan Bardella’s list with 31% of voting intentions, and that of Valérie Hayer (Renaissance) with 16%.

Representatives of the main parties called to debate. In addition to interviews with Marine Le Pen and Carlos Tavares, the France 2 set will see major political figures confront each other. Christophe Béchu, the Minister of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion, will represent the presidential majority. He will cross swords with Jean-Philippe Tanguy, RN deputy for the Somme; Clémence Guetté, La France insoumise MP for Val-de-Marne; Yannick Jadot, senator Les Ecologistes-EELV of Paris; Aurélien Pradié, deputy of Les Républicains du Lot; and Boris Vallaud, president of the socialist group in the National Assembly.

Politicians confronted with experts and journalists. The debates on agriculture, industry and even purchasing power will feature the former president of the FNSEA, Christiane Lambert, who today heads a confederation of European agricultural unions, Copa-Cogeca; Karine Jacquemart, general director of the NGO Foodwatch France ; and journalists Dominique Seux, deputy editorial director of Echoes and editorialist at France Inter, and Birgit Holzer, correspondent for the German regional press.

ask your questions. Guests on set will also answer questions from viewers. You have the opportunity to question Marine Le Pen by going to this form or to experts and political leaders by clicking on this form.

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