Going from solar eclipse to school eclipse

Albert Camus said: “School prepares you for living in a world that does not exist. » This quote takes on its full meaning when we read that Schools will be closed during the solar eclipse on April 8. Galarneau unfortunately does not fit into the famous boxes of managers.

And because there is nothing formal planned to accommodate an eclipse during school days, we conclude that it is too complicated to do otherwise than to absurdly follow what is written on the famous leave. pass A-38 of the House which drives people crazy Twelve Labors of Asterix.

“But I would have liked that, for us to experience the eclipse in class, together, Mr. Simon! »

“Marie-Soleil, we raise our hands before speaking. Imagine if everyone spoke at the same time, no one would be able to hear each other. We are not at the National Assembly here! That said, you’re right, I too would have really liked to experience this solar eclipse in class with you, but hey, our decision-makers decided otherwise. »

This decision, taken unilaterally, without consulting teachers, without thinking about what students really want, is one symptom among others of the drift of our education system. The minister and his ministry suggest keeping schools open and the managers of school service centers say no. But why ? Who is the boss in education?

Wouldn’t it have been more educational to take the plunge and prepare a thematic day in all the schools? There is already a pajama day, a neon day, an upside down day, a chic day, etc. Why not an entire week with this eclipse as its subject, so as to create memories that will be forever engraved in the students’ minds? Maybe it could even have helped some to cling to the stars of the school instead of dropping out.

I even throw out an idea. It’s not too late to organize a videoconference with the great Charles Tisseyre. Why not also organize workshops related to the material prepared by columnist Yannick Bergeron? In this way, the true and only purpose of school, which is to educate, would be fulfilled. But no ! Our young people will have returned home on their tablet. And afterwards, we will wonder why our students are not stimulated and do not seem motivated to learn.


The word “eclipse” comes from the Greek derivative ekleípō which means “to abandon”. Long ago, people during eclipses felt abandoned by their gods when they saw the sun disappear. This umpteenth planned school closure is the perfect example of the failure and abandonment of some people in the face of our school system. Here we move from the solar eclipse to the school eclipse. How sad !

— Yes, Katerine-Lune?

— The school is going to be closed! ?

— Thank you for raising your hand before speaking, and no, the school will still be open, but you will be at daycare or at home during the eclipse. For what ? I really don’t know, especially since we have glasses to watch the eclipse that just arrived at school.

— Mr. Simon, is it because I’m in my first year that I don’t understand all this?

— Alas, no, I’m 40 years old and I don’t understand anything about it either.

What saddens me here is that no one in the great tower of education seems to have thought in advance about this problem which is not one. The solar eclipse is not a surprise, it has been known about for a long time and no one has lifted a finger to plan anything. All this is a reflection of the system, which is always in reaction and not in action. No decision-maker had the idea of ​​taking advantage of this day to awaken a certain curiosity about nature and its mysteries or even to do a little history in order to understand what this type of phenomenon could represent over time.

In closing, I would like to make a small observation, in the absence of being able to experience the one on April 8 with my students. Why not exchange a few education managers for visionaries and, at the same time, hope that several students no longer fall into the moonlight?

“Okay, Sunny, it’s time to take out your Quebec citizenship education book, we are now going to study what… real values ​​are. » (It’s irony, of course!)

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