“God save the Kings”, “Historic”, “A guillotine” … The French and English press dithyrambic on the victory of the XV of France

The Blues made history on Saturday during the 2023 Six Nations Tournament, winning against the English, at home in Twickenham (53-10). A feat he had not achieved since 2005.

They achieved a feat that neither the French nor the English will soon forget. The XV of France branded its English rivals with a hot iron, Saturday March 11, in their legendary den of Twickenham, winning 53-10 during the 4th day of the Six Nations Tournament. It had been 18 years since the Blues had won in London as part of this annual meeting, which is always more anticipated than any other. Such a long wait before this dreamed but delicious feat to analyze in the French and English press, Sunday, both unanimous on the performance of the Habs, who can still believe in their chances of winning the tournament.

To be worthy of the feat, The Team devotes nine pages to this match already integrated into the annals of the oval. of a “God Saves the Kings” in one, and one “Royal Crunch” opening, the sports daily celebrates this magnificent performance of the XV of France. “The Blues have struck down England in their temple of Twickenham, in historic proportions, by reviving this game which had made them invincible in 2022”, writes the daily, which recalls that, until today, “despite some very memorable exploits”, this land “had mainly served as a correctional center for the Habs”.

“Twickenham was, yesterday, the scene of one of the most breathtaking scores played by the French team, a fabulous recital covered in seven essays that we will classify one day in order of preference just for the pleasure of seeing them again”, continues Renaud Bourel, the special envoy to London of The Team. Especially since the first was signed by Thomas Ramos from the 2nd minute of play.

The French, the “Kings of England”

On his side, Today in France – Le Parisien title simply, but so effective, “History!” in one. As The Teamthe daily talk about “Kings of England”, Who “have humiliated” their adversaries of the day, “on a record score”, and after a match “mastered from start to finish”. “It’s a delightful or cruel spectacle, depending on the side of the Channel where fate has brought you into being”, introduces the journalist’s article. Blues “inflicted on a boiled and pathetic XV de la Rose, which suffered the heaviest defeat in its history in the competition”, a “exceptional slap”.

A “historic setback” and a game “grandiose“savor on his side West France. “The Blues have shown virtuosity and regained their collective strength”, first sums up daily life in Brittany. SATURDAY, “all the ingredients were there, in front of uninspired and tasteless English people. With the chef’s touch: brilliant and creative tests”, allowing to end “to this long tricolor scarcity on English soil in the Tournament. They have also, once again, left their mark in the golden book of the best performances of the XV of France”, finally dissects the regional newspaper.

“It was glorious. It was magnificent.”

Across the Channel too, the performance of the Blues was more than welcomed. ‘England humbled, blown away by record home defeat’ recognizes the sunday time. “It was glorious. It was magnificent. It was absolutely devastating and fascinating. France played brilliant rugby in the modern spirit, but building on their heritage of skill, speed and attack “, lift him up sunday timewhich makes France, “on this basis, the new favorite of the World Cup”.

Humiliation is the term taken up by all the English media, which are hungover the day after the “tour de force of France”. “Talk about a guillotine falling with brutal finality, spear The Guardian. England have endured a few trying days over the years, but nothing on the scale of this record broken by France.” For everyday life, beyond performance “outstanding” And “one-way” of the Tricolors, “England’s biggest problem was right in front of their noses. In terms of collision, they were crushed and France also looked in better shape. In the end, with the red rose defense breached almost at will, the gap between the teams was embarrassing. A French newspaper described it as ‘a huge kick in the back’ and it was.”

The analysis of Independent is even harder towards the XV of the Rose, to the “soft performance” And “annihilated” by his French hosts. “England were chaotic as their opponents dominated every facet of the game and scored seemingly at will,” underlines the English media, which recalls that “Never before in 152 years of international rugby has an England team suffered such a heavy defeat at home.” Above all, the newspaper is concerned about the following: “Who knows what England will do from now on? The literal answer is that you have to travel to Dublin to face the unstoppable force of the world’s number one team in seven days, but far greater philosophical questions arise and it’s hard to believe they have the answers. .” Questions and uncertainties without a shadow of answers, yesterday’s defeat will undoubtedly have left its mark on our English neighbours. It remains to be seen, now, for how long.

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