This week, in addition to having voted against the bill of Acadian MP René Arseneault who wanted to make the oath to the king optional, conservative elected officials sang God Save the King in the room that is supposed to be that of all Canadians. A lack of sensitivity towards the history of Francophones and even more so of Indigenous people in Canada.
The British crown that they so ostensibly glorify drags in its wake a racist and xenophobic past. A story that mixes colonization, deportation and attempts at extermination and whose memories are still alive around the globe.
Let us be clear, I am not saying here that these people do not have the right to love or even venerate this royal blood. What I denounce is their exaltation of the monarchy to demean colleagues who do not think like them.
Anyone who is at all interested in history and the suffering that the British crown caused the Acadians to experience can understand why René Arseneault’s approach was highly significant. In addition, the MP was not asking for this practice to be eliminated. He just wanted it to be made optional. So what does it really matter to an Alberta MP that an Acadian elected official refrains from swearing loyalty to King Charles III? Especially when this conservative elected official can continue to do so with his hand on his heart if he wishes.
Truly, among those people who sang God Save the Kingthere are minds still inhabited by neocolonialist ideas close to British supremacism of the Victorian era.
What these apologists for the crown were indirectly saying to the Acadians was: “Even today, we will not let you think otherwise, because we are the reference. We give ourselves the right to spit on your project of mental emancipation by singing the praises of your alleged executioner. This is our way of asking you to lie down, accept this reality and adhere to our conception of virtue which is far superior to yours. »
Among these people, we set up these beliefs as a model to better control others. People say: “I am against abortion. So I don’t want you to have an abortion. In other words, I want to have control over my body, but also over yours. My view on gender identity is correct. So you have no right to think otherwise. I refuse to allow you to choose the moment of your own death, because my religion forbids it. »
This way of seeing life horrifies me to the highest level, but I am going to leave this saga to talk to you about another event of this week: Justin Trudeau’s testimony before the commission on foreign interference. Indeed, after his interrogation, I started to wonder again if Justin likes reading and books. What a surprise to learn during his testimony that Justin did not read his files much! A revelation at odds with what his chief of staff, Katie Telford, has already told us. The latter said that Justin Trudeau read absolutely all of his files.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau testifying before the Commission of Inquiry into Foreign Interference last Wednesday in Ottawa
We no longer know what to believe in this story, because the Prime Minister himself has already told us that he is a great reader. On December 30, 2019 in Mississauga, when asked about his reading habits and preferences, Justin gave this answer which will go down in the history books that he will certainly not read: “I have so many, I read a lot, a lot. These days, I can’t even imagine what answer to give to that question. I read a lot of very heavy books on the economy, on the future of our planet, on the decisions we are going to have to make and there are some very good ones. »
How can someone who loves reading books about decisions that have not yet been made remain so insensitive to the notes that are given to him to prevent foreign entities from destabilizing Canadian democracy?
Perhaps Charles III, who is a representative of God on earth, can help us understand this mystery.
As if all that wasn’t serious enough, Justin Trudeau said he considered it “very unlikely” that the Chinese regime would have had a preference between his government and that of Erin O’Toole’s Conservatives in the 2021 election. Seriously, is -is there a sane individual who believes that between O’Toole who directly accused the Beijing regime of orchestrating a genocide of the Uighurs and Justin who was walking on eggshells so as not to offend Xi Jinping, China didn’t have a favorite?
Besides, what happened when media pressure finally forced Justin Trudeau to talk about Chinese interference? President Xi Jinping spoke to him through headphones at the G20 summit in Bali. We do not know exactly what Xi Jinping said to him, but his non-verbal expression clearly demonstrated the lack of consideration he now had for the son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, who was a true friend of the Middle Kingdom.
If China had no preference between liberals and conservatives, why would it waste time and money trying to rig Canadian elections? Perhaps they were ironically seeking to give Yves-François Blanchet the leadership of Canada. Since when has a foreign power discreetly interfered in an election without having a favorite? Have we ever seen a bettor bet on a boxing match without worrying about the outcome of the fight?
If China, Russia, Iran and even Pakistan have ambitions over our elections, it is certainly because they see Canada as the easiest link to destabilize in the G7. In other words, we are the experimental laboratory for their great project of subversion of liberal democracies in progress. If these Conservative MPs really wanted to sing, it would be May God Protect our Democracy that they should have been humming.