In partnership with France Bleu Provence, the EHESS is launching its third edition of the Allez Savoir Festival entitled “À contre-temps”.
The organization
The School of Advanced Studies in Social Sciences (EHESS), created in 1975, is one of the main humanities and social sciences centers in Europe. It is unique in the landscape of French higher education and research, both because of its interdisciplinary intellectual project and thanks to its model of training through research, its international anchoring and its openness to society.
By co-organizing the Festival Allez Savoir, the City of Marseille, alongside the EHESS, offers freewithin the municipal libraries and museums and, for the first year, the Municipal Archives, places of exchange and reflection on the great social challenges of our time by bringing unique access to research excellence in Marseille.
– Aillaud-Visit
A program with more than 50 events
Round tables, debates, scenic forms, screenings and workshops offer the opportunity for all audiences and school children to meet more than 150 stakeholders – anthropologists, geographers, historians, philosophers, sociologists, geographers… and also archivists, artists, curators… – and to circulate between themes, knowledge, where science, arts and heritage dialogue. A rich user-friendly and emancipatory programmingdesigned by an editorial committee renewed each year, which brings together research and service entities that constitute the beating heart of the EHESS, in Paris, Marseille, Toulouse, Lyon, as well as players in culture and education of the Marseille territory. Some of them are interpreted in French sign language (LSF)
– Lisa-George
Practical information
Places :
Center de la Vielle Charité (HQ of the festival and bookstore area with The Hydra of a Thousand Heads), Library of the Alcazar, Museum of the History of Marseilles, Memorial to the deportations, Municipal Archives of Marseilles, Cinemas La Baleine and Les Variétés, Archipelago du Frioul, Villa Cosquer Méditerranée and the Théâtre de la Cité.
Complete programming
List of speakers
Festival addresses