Gnocchi as a starter and zumba for dessert in Côté Saveurs

Gnocchi, the other great Italian dish

Gnocchi is like pasta. In Italy, they are eaten as a starter.
Prepared with a mixture of durum or soft wheat flour and potatoes, and poached in water, they can be varied endlessly.

Our guests

Rosana is Italian, she will give us all the tips and recipes to prepare the gnocchi yourself.
Married takes care more of the wine, she offers us her selection.
They have created a place that needs no introduction in Nîmes: Gard O Vins.

They participate Saturday in the Outdoor 2, on the square of the Arènes in Nîmes. See the poster below.
Gard O Wines Market Square in Nîmes

Olivier Jalaguier presents to us the number 22 of IDHalles, the newspaper of the Halles de Nîmes.
Distributed in Les Halles, in Nîmes (including France Bleu Gard Lozère)

Outdoor Gard O Vins – Saturday Nîmes
ID Halles
ID Halles

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