Glyphosate: why is it still authorized?


Video duration:
2 min

Glyphosate: why is it still authorized?

Why is the subject of glyphosate so sensitive? Questions/answers, Thursday November 16, in the 20 Heures. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Piard, C. Sinz, B. Girodon, A. Boulet

France Televisions

Why is the subject of glyphosate so sensitive? Questions/answers, Thursday November 16, in the 20 Heures.

A large part of the French agricultural model is based on glyphosate, the best-selling herbicide in the world. Like two out of three farmers, Olivier Coupery uses them. “I use 30 to 40% less fuel, I reduce my working time for soil preparation by around 30 to 40%, so I have an economic and social gain, in the sense that it frees up my time.“, he justifies.

A probable carcinogen

Major international agencies, such as the WHO, classify it as a probable carcinogen. Inserm establishes a link between the herbicide and blood cancer. However, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) gave the green light, based on more limited studies. Its often harmful cocktail effects are poorly taken into account by the EFSA, which works extensively on studies provided by the manufacturers themselves.

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