Global warming: everyone can make an effort



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While the COP started on Monday, November 7, Nicolas Châteauneuf is on the set of 20 Heures to give some advice to limit its impact on global warming.

Global warming is at the heart of the debates and each person can limit their impact on the planet. “A French person emits on average a little more than six tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year. This is less than in most industrialized countries”says Nicolas Châteauneuf. In some countries, such as the United States, this figure goes up to 14 tons per year. However, the journalist tempers: “But if we include products that are manufactured in other countries, for example in China, and that we consume in France, our balance sheet there is less good. We go to 10 tons per Frenchman per year.”

Among the 10 tons emitted by the French, several sectors are very impactful for the planet. “The two biggest sources of greenhouse gas emissions are transport and food. About two and a half tons each”informs the journalist. Nicolas Chateauneuf adds: “Housing is almost two tons. Daily consumption, clothing, Internet, leisure: a ton and a half. Without forgetting the public services, education, defense, health: one ton four. The whole thing weighs 10 tons. The objective for 2050 will be to drop to only two tonnes per inhabitant.

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