global tourism is expected to lose $ 2 trillion in 2021

These losses, linked to travel restrictions during the pandemic, would be similar to those of 2020.

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The global tourism sector is expected to lose another $ 2 trillion in 2021, due to restrictions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) announced on Monday (November 29). This estimate, similar to the losses experienced in 2020, comes as new measures have been taken, particularly in Europe, to cope with a new wave of the epidemic and the Omicron variant, detected for the first time in South Africa. South, is spreading around the world.

These latest developments show that “the situation is totally unpredictable” and that the tourism sector is not immune to the risks likely to cause “enormous damage” economic, acknowledged the Secretary General of the UNWTO. According to the UN agency, which will hold its General Assembly in Madrid from Tuesday, November 30 and until December 3, international tourist arrivals should thus remain this year. “70 to 75% lower” to those of the pre-pandemic. “The crisis in the tourism sector is historic, but tourism has the capacity to recover quickly”, qualifies however the Secretary General of the UNWTO, who has“hope that 2022 will be a much better year than 2021”.

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