global outrage after shooting of civilians in Gaza


Video length: 2 min

War between Israel and Hamas: global outrage after shooting of civilians in Gaza

War between Israel and Hamas: global outrage after shooting of civilians in Gaza


Following the death of several dozen Palestinian civilians in Gaza, several countries have expressed their indignation and are calling for an independent investigation to try to understand what really happened. This event is increasingly altering hopes for a truce.

Bodies of Palestinians transported on a cart after being killed during a humanitarian aid distribution. These deaths, by the dozens, in Gaza have caused turmoil on a global scale. In France, Emmanuel Macron expressed his deep indignation. “I express my strongest disapproval of these shots and demand truth, justice and respect for international law”he notably wrote about X.

France calls for an independent investigation

Even the Americans, Israel’s historic allies, condemned the IDF shots. Washington has announced it will help the Palestinians in the coming days. Two versions of the facts conflict. While the Israeli army admits to having fired, it claims that, in the chaos, many Palestinians were in fact pushed and trampled to death. According to Gazan witnesses and the Palestinian ambassador to the UN, it was a deliberate massacre. Like the UN, France is calling for an independent investigation. The human toll continues to rise: according to Hamas, more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed since October 7.

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