glasses to slow myopia


Video length: 2 min.

Innovation: lenses to slow down myopia
France 2

Article written by

F.Prabonnaud, MP.Samitier, A.Lo Cascio, C.Alphonse – France 2

France Televisions

What if it was possible to slow down myopia? Thanks to special glasses, this would be the case and some would already wear them.

It’s time for a check-up at the optician for little Felix. “The first day, I saw a little sideways, a little blurry”, he explains. The little boy alerted his parents because he could see badly from a distance. “Let’s imagine, my father was three meters away, I could no longer see his whole face, I only saw a blurry spot”, he says. He had his first glasses in CM1 but afterwards he began to see blurry again. “It was the ophthalmologist who, when he saw the evolution of myopia, suggested equipping Félix with these glasses”adds his mother.

An additional fifty euros

Glasses have been created to slow down the development of myopia. They look identical to the others and they have special properties. “A myopic eye is an eye that lengthens. Thanks to this glass, the lengthening of the eye will decrease. As a result, the eye will gradually lengthen but very slightly and myopia will not increase”, details an optician. However, it takes fifty euros more for these glasses. To prevent the risk of myopia, specialists recommend that children stay outdoors for at least an hour and a half a day, in kindergarten and primary school.

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