Glasses adapted to your sports practice

Just because you have glasses doesn’t mean you can’t play sports! Skiing, golf, tennis, cycling, water or team sports… To perform well, you need to see perfectly. Properly equipping yourself is also a matter of safety. frames and lenses are adapted to extreme conditions of use. But the glasses are also becoming connected for more performance and sensations. Heart rate, elevation, GPS coordinates, Bluetooth headphones in the branches.

A festive day in Chablis

The Poilly-sur-Serein soap is back this Sunday, May 15. A festive, wacky and crazy moment on the program for this 2nd edition of this soapbox race. Great Soap Box race on the mythical route of the Poilly Sur Serein hill climb.

Guests of 100% Sport

  • Baptiste Moreau, festival committee of Poilly-sur Serein
  • Flavien Favre, optician NovaVision in Aillant-sur-Tholon

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