Give yourself the means to fight gangs

We live in a society which suffers from contradictions between the official discourses held there and the reality which defines it.

Let me explain.

Criminalized gangs are increasingly polluting life in Montreal and the rest of Quebec. The file of Newspaper is eloquent and terrifying.


These gangs are increasingly violent and use younger and younger elements.

The police are called to fight them.

These gangs, whatever one may say, often operate according to the principle of ethnic affinity. This is not new. Yesterday, the street gangs were often Haitian, and the mafia Italian. In fact, they still are.

We will be sorry about it, but we cannot act as if it were secondary data.

But on the other hand, the ideological left has managed to impose the delusional concepts of racial profiling and systemic racism in public debate.

These concepts are based on an unfounded and purely ideological assumption that if certain “communities” are over-represented in police stops or in prison, it is not because more of their members engage in illicit activities. (for different reasons which we could come back to), but because these communities would be victims of a fundamentally racist discriminatory system.

They would be targeted arbitrarily, for no reason.


In order not to damage the myth of happy diversity, which would always be an asset, we paralyze police action, or we make them feel guilty, which practically amounts to the same thing.

The first to suffer are obviously the residents of the neighborhoods where these gangs operate and exercise a form of terror.

And we are gradually understanding the political importance of the war of ideas. The left, by imposing its concepts, formats collective thought and directs public action.

Here it hinders the effectiveness of law enforcement.

source site-64