Give meaning to your life by changing career paths

More and more of us are asking ourselves questions about our future. The situation we have been experiencing since the outbreak of the pandemic has meant that we have had to question many things. Giving meaning to your life can go through a professional change. There are so many possibilities, so many directions to take… that orientation can be complex, at any age. It’s all about having the right tools and the keys to a successful (re)orientation. And the solution is to be accompanied by a professional like Clémence Pourillou and her company “Clé d’Orientation”.

There are 3 key phases in the development of a skills assessment.

The personal assessment for a better self-knowledge. It allows you to analyze your personality (skills) and understand your mode of operation. The professional assessment to identify your professional skills. The professional project: after having worked on your personality and your skills, the next step is to discover your potential and the jobs that suit you. The objective is to find a professional project consistent with your know-how. Then move on to the details of the realities of the job you like. Finally, the implementation of an action plan to allow you to realize your project. This is Orientation Key.

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