Gisèle Pélicot’s lawyers request the closure of online support funds

This statement follows the opening by the former reality TV star, Nabilla Vergara, of a kitty to support the victim, drugged by her husband and raped by dozens of strangers for nine years.



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Gisèle Pélicot at the Avignon court (Vaucluse), September 5, 2024. (CHRISTOPHE SIMON / AFP)

On the fifth day of the Mazan rape trial, Gisèle Pélicot’s lawyers call for “greater moderation on social networks”. Their clientdoes not wish to open online support funds and requests the closure of those already open”, they announced in a press release on Friday, September 6. This statement follows the opening of a support kitty on Thursday by former reality TV star Nabilla Vergara.

“I decided to create this kitty for Gisèle Pélicot. Madam, I was deeply touched by your story, I admire your courage and your strength. You are an example for all women on this earth”writes Nabilla Vergara in the description of the prize pool.On behalf of all women. We are all with you from the bottom of our hearts.”she continues. While the goal is to reach 100,000 euros in donations, the kitty had collected nearly 40,000 euros by mid-morning on Friday. However, it was closed after statements by Gisèle Pélicot’s defense.

After speaking with Mrs. Pélicot’s lawyers: she thanks us for all the support provided. However, she does not wish to accept the kitty at this time and does not want to disrupt the ongoing trial. We respect her decision and are closing it instantly, declared Nabilla Vergara on X late Friday morning. Each donor will be reimbursed in full and without fees. We wish him much courage in this ordeal and bring him all our love”she adds.

“Mrs. Gisèle Pelicot and her family, whom we represent before the criminal court of Avignon, thank all the people who have sent massive messages of support from all over the world since the start of the trial.”add Gisèle Pélicot’s lawyers. “Nevertheless, our client absolutely wishes to preserve the dignity and serenity of the debates currently taking place before the Vaucluse departmental criminal court.”they explain.

Since its opening on Monday before the criminal court of Avignon, this extraordinary trial, with 51 accused – the husband and 50 other men aged 26 to 74 – prosecuted for having raped Gisèle Pelicot, from 2011 to 2020, after she had been drugged with anxiolytics by her husband, has aroused strong interest on social networks and in the media.

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